The five things I tell my single’s boot camp participants.
I do this Boot Camp for singles it’s hard to get past all your difficulties in the past where are you stuck why do you keep picking the same person over and over again are you too picky do you keep choosing your father or are you taking too much are you a doormat are you serve one and done and only get a first date over and over again are you too standoffis.
Are you waiting until you lose weight or get a new job in order to date you find that nobody meets your standards or expectations are you constantly disappointed let’s figure out what past things are keeping you stuck as it were doing in the the singles Boot Camp but one of the biggest things that I do as a therapist is just to tell people it’s OK I like groups because it allows people to talk support each other and realize that they’re not alone
But it’s also for me to say it’s OK for you to be single it’s OK for you to tell people you’re looking for a relationship it’s OK to ask for blind dates I think half of what I do is just validating people that it’s OK to be in the space if you want to change it you are not gonna do it by staying at home on Netflix bingeing.
But there are ways to help hear the five things that we are doing to make a difference number when we do something called the checklist at the end of three dates there’s a study that said 59% of people need a minimum of three dates to lower their guard and actually show the real them the real you.
By the third date you’ve needed to ask some questions you know the goal is is can you see you know to find this person attractive are you interested enough to have a second or third date but by the end of the third day you need to know what’s going on.
Two. You need to have a pretty clear understanding of the vision you want if it’s happily ever after in a picket fence hang onto that no matter how attractive somebody who’s just looking for something casual is hang onto your vision number three get a selection committee sometimes our past gets in the way of us making good decisions have people that love you and support you who can meet somebody new in your life.
Ask people around you what in fairness you need to work on where are you stuck because your best qualities are often your worst qualities you’re really giving but that means you give too much or you’re super independent which means you don’t have time for a relationship figure out what that is part of that that your friends family coworkers may have some insight into
Number five don’t be afraid to cut people off but always have at least two or three conversations in the works you wanna be meeting one to two people a week if you’re having trouble with that that’s where groups like mine the ducklings in the over 40 cannot help you generate all kinds of options of options
Don’t be afraid to cut people off but always have at least two or three conversations in the works you wanna be meeting 1 to 2 people a week if you’re having trouble with that that’s where groups like mine have the ducklings in the over 40 connect help you generate all kinds of options
Dating it’s been broken for a while we’re all trying new ways to fix it.
These five tips are just the start, so even if you feel like you’re stuck, give yourself a chance to really break through, look at these areas and see what you can do to start being more intentional about going out and dating. So, what are you waiting for? Go for it and make your dting dreams come to life!