Let’s start a perverted book club! It’s free, by zoom and dirty minds please apply!

Literature that can get our hearts racing we have a dropbox full of hot erotica and are always on the lookout for more
It’s free and most of the books we can provide electronically in EPUB format and you can load to your phone which means you can read it on the bus and nobody knows you’re reading scantily clad people stories

Let’s explore the genre of bodice ripper’s of overall smut of general panty dampening in a fun, weekly book reading club!

We will send out a free zoom link and free books and you get to talk to people it’s gonna be a blast everyone’s welcome will occasionally see if we can meet up in interesting places if you wanna participate
Let’s be literate and let’s look at all kinds of little Rodica I can’t wait

February is the month of love let’s make it also the month of lust

send me your email address to sue @ sex with sue .com