All services are offered either face to face or by phone/skype in the home office or by skype with solutions after one visit.
- Sex Counseling
- Couples Relationship Counselling
- Low libido
I have been a sex and relationship therapist for over twenty four years, and I know I can cut to the chase, and solve your problem immediately. Come see me personally for 60 minutes with one on one attention either live in person in Ottawa, or remotely by phone or Skype (with webcam). I help people all over the world, and the sessions can be completely anonymous. I can usually get you happily “back in the saddle” confidentially and quickly.
If I can’t solve a problem in three visits, there usually is something medically going on, that requires a referral (which I can provide).
I promise I can get you fixed up effectively, and solve what is ever going on in your relationship right now.
Confidential, effective, with email and phone follow up if required. More problems than you think, can be solved with solution oriented therapy- quickly. Rates are affordable ($125/hour) and very private.
Therapy is about putting heads together and solving the problem today. I am very kind, and my job is to make you feel safe and comfortable. I focus on solutions, and with a background in both physical and psychological solutions, I can identify if a problem is in your head or relationship, or is more physical. I am an expert on sex drive, performance issues (lasting longer, harder, orgasms etc.), sexual obsessions, hormones and marital issues related to sex.
As one of Canada’s best known sex therapists, My particular expertise is in how quickly I can address and solve sexual problems.
Within one or two sessions (60 minutes) let me evaluate and offer concrete treatment solutions to problems like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, sexual addiction, low sex drive, different sexual appetites, lack of partners, difficulty reaching orgasm or ejaculating, along with marriage and relationship counseling.
Please have a read of my testimonial page that I just recently started My discretion is absolute, but these clients have been kind enough to let me post their words without identifying features.
The most common thing I see for men is sexual anxiety (resulting in premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction), and I have and entire audio training session to solve that “too quick” problem once and for all. Guaranteed to have you lasting longer, and learning how to climax when you want to. Download now on the home page. If men have trouble lasting, for women the issues are low libido and a sex drive that “is lost in translation”. Over 25% of women struggle with sexual desire and the issues are more often than not physical and straightforward to treat.
For any other problem in person, you might want to consider seeing me privately.
“My sessions are completely discreet, either in my west end Ottawa home office, (Richmond Road and Woodroffe) I can counsel by phone, or by Skype or MSN instant message (either with or without the webcam), with great results.” My job is to make you feel safe and comfortable, and with 15 years of experience, a very relaxed and kind approach, and I am prepared to guarantee my value.
Rates are $125 per session at the home office (all inclusive). Web or phone counseling can be paid easily and securely using Paypal. Order and pay through the website, and get a copy of my #1 best selling book, Quivering Jello, How to Have Mind Blowing, Toe Curling Orgasms, my Top 10 G Spot tips, and my most recent booklet on sex tips!! That is over $350 in value, plus you get one on one counseling with North America ’s leading sex therapist, to solve your problem RIGHT NOW.
Pay pal now for $125, and set up your immediate counseling session. I guarantee my value in one visit. I promise I can help, and we can get this solved -TODAY.
Let’s have an introductory session. A discussion on solutions and a treatment of care can be established quickly. I do skype and phone sessions all over the world every week, click the below button for the (which includes two of the downloads FREE, a $100 value) and let’s start the conversation!