Summer2  I don’t know how hot it is where you are, but here in Ontario we are experiencing a sticky 100% humidity, humidex of 41 degrees, stick to the plastic seats kid of heat wave.  It’s reeking hell on my sex life.

How can you feel the urge to boff, when you can’t stand to have another human being near you?  Maybe that’s when it’s a good argument to use a plenary of sex toys, but the following poem (I know you’re thinking – Sue, a poem????, but stay with me and maybe later I’ll regale you with my favourite limericks that rhyme with mulva…. but I digress) offers up some advice for summertime sex.

"when it’s hot and sun is in the sky that’s the time to lie about and sigh,

it’s when the frost is on the pumpkin, that’s the time for dinky-dunkin…"Heat  We old married women take it where we can get it (between kids) but as i explore some findsome new sexual adventures in this heat, and will keep you posted if anything more profound hits.

Just my words to live by for a hot summer night.
