
How to be a male porn star – despite serious job hazards

Related topics: www.sexwithsue.com, www.prematureejaculation.net, www.schoolofsquirting.com, http://www.voyeurmonkey.com/home/articles/7-reasons-why-it-sucks-to-be-a-male-porn-star.html, http://www.tenbroadcasting.com/programming/

Porn I was reading voyeur monkey's article about the top 7 reasons why it sucks to be a male porn star. I know what you are thinking- how hard can it be? Apparently it is frought with a downside that you don't often think about. The hassles include:

1. You have to have sex in a room full of other people, without preamble ALL THE TIME.

2. You can't get it up, and taking Viagra or Cialis has side effects and a built up tolerance to the medication.

3. You make 10 times less than the women only $200 to their $2000 per scene.

4. You have to have good aim when it's time for the money shot. (no explaination needed)

5. You have to have sex with any and all women despite her silicone pumpkin-like boobs, or strange smell, taste, looks, or attitude.

6. You are expected to tolerate anything with no hang ups. Too bad if you don't like anal, oral, double penetration with some onther guy, there are thousands more where you came from.

7. She bites, smacks ot otherwise hurts your dick. Female porn stars are looking to be enthusiastic lovers as well, and if she hurts you in the process, then too bad.

In Ottawa we have a porn network in town that produces 10 films a month.  I've got a call into it's CEO to see there were opening for male porn stars, and occording to their web site they may have job openings. I'm going to interview Stuart about the steps to breaking into the business if you think you've got what it takes. Have a look back on my site next week, and who knows, maybe it's a new career path for you.