
Women’s orgasm & sexuality class! Get in touch with your sexuality w/ a toy & more


I’ve long wanted to do a women’s class on sexuality, orgasms, self awareness, education & speculums. Yes this means going back to the 70’s circle where we all get a mirror and check out our cervixes. Most adult women don’t know how their own genitals look like, let alone other women’s. Or how they can work to give you optimum pleasure. This is a kind, authentic, safe, intimate, female group to gently explore ways to enhance your own sexuality. Let’s get past some barriers.

This group will be fun, funny, supremely educational, at times lightly out of your comfort zone but caring and real. Read about the kind of class that Betty Dodson started in the 70′s<Mama Gena does in her School of Womanly Arts</a>. But all done with a local, Sex with Sue style.

Cost includes snacks, a $225 high end toy, written material and a small group of women you can connect with. Space is very limited. It’s being marketed to the Ducks first and is only a fraction of what normal therapy would cost. Send your $100 payment to suem@rogers.com.

You won’t regret it.