The Rant of a Sex Therapist

Forget The March of the Penguins, sex therapists ( at least me and the ones I know), aren’t  serene, or that accepting of the status quo.  We tend to question everything, so I thought a rant section might be in order.

I tried hard to post yesterday but had to clear the 21 spywear virus stuff off my system (%$^!!@$%) What a hassle!  Today I feel like advocating the death penalty for computer virus inventors.  I just want to be a good person, check my e-mail (don’t even get me started on the hundreds of spam I get daily), write my cool new blog,  and can’t because I have to deal with crashing computers.

I wanted to talk about the guest I had Saturday night on the Love and Romance Show, my crazy full-moon Saturday night sex talk show on cfrb ( I spoke with Deborah Anapol, the author of the seven laws of love (, and Love without Limits.  She talked about how we may be evolving away from monogamy and headed towards more polyamourous (loving more than one person) love affairs.  This is swinging beyond the free love stuff you  heard about in the 60’s.  Having been a few  times to the swing clubs both in Ottawa and Toronto (a topic for another blog), I’m hear to say, they are becoming more and more mainstream.  This is like that chick at the Oscar’s thanking both her husband and wife – just like the infamous Nina Hartley. I’ve spoken to two people, not patients, but when everyone tells you about their sex lives you hear a few interesting things….who are in these kinds of mutliple partner relationships.  Most I spoke to met on, (interesting site, with a nice group of guys running it), the website for the already attached who are looking for love.  In one case, the woman and her husband meet their individual  lovers on  Tueday night, and then come home and tell each other how their evenings go. Everything is all open and they all know about each other. The quote I heard about why they wanted this, was "that she had more love to give than to just one person.

I have to admit I’m fascinated by it. Regular sex and intimacy, without the sneaking around of infidelity, all the while maintaining your marriage. Maybe they are onto something????  I would welcome your comments, but haven’t yet figured out how to add those to my blog.  You can always e-mail me at, and I’ll post them.  I’m going to post the audio interview with Doborah as a podcast as soon as I figure out how to attach it.   Blondes working technology, it just takes me longer….

Feeling the Love.  Sue