Lingerie Spent some more money on lingerie yesterday.  I’m a bit depraved on the subject. I gave away chests of the damn stuff after my kids were born when my body completely changed sizes in every way, but have found recently I can’t close my underwear drawer again.  And passing the new selection of fall bras in the store yesterday again I couldn’t resist. 38 C, the same size as my Mother. Slightly lopsided, and beginging to show signs of the near six years of nursing I did. Push up bras are such a marvelous invention.

I asked the girls who came over to gab last night if they had the same fixation.  And to the one they did.  So what is it about great lingerie (that I take off at the first opportunity, and that hardly anyone sees…) that is so appealing?  The feeling of being sexy under your clothes,. the knowledge of new things next to your most delicate parts, and the idea that if the opportunity presents itself, someone might make appreciative noises.  Or maybe I just like it. So if you want to score points with me, ask to see my new bra. Who knows I may just give you the "girls gone wild" view. cheeky grin. Or at least I’ll tell you what colour I’m wearing today.