Something about a woman in a correctional officer uniform
I stopped in to see my friend Charlie yesterday. Short for Charlene, (never call her that), she was my general manager when I had plans to conquer the world of adult retailing. I’ve been out of the business a couple of years, and although much of the crazy pink, sparkly merchandise remains the same, there are a few new things. I asked her what was really moving, and she looked at me in that head-tilted way of hers and said "do you know what we can’t keep in stock?" Yup, those corrections officer/border patrol/police woman sexy outfits. She said all the rage from the law enforcement community (sexy play when you get out of the work clothes, and into related type clothing…) and for bachelor parties are women with handcuffs, batons, and a desire to frisk you. I guess there are lots of bad boys out there.