I'm a big fan of the connectedness of online dating.
Better than a bar for meeting someone
(at least you know they can spell),
and where else can 100,000 potential
candidates view your profile.
The world really is your oyster, and
there is someone out there for everyone -
no matter how specific. You can write a profile
that will attract exactly the kind of person
you are looking for,in fact the more specific the better.
Given those kinds of numbers,
being specific helps weed through the massive number
of potential hook ups.
I have few girlfriends who have had out-of-the-park type
success with men online.
The first is having the romance of the century with a man close
to two decades younger halfway
around the world. She leaves tomorrow for Turkey and may come
home having never met him, and may come home with the promise of something permanent.
The second, met less than a month ago and have already fallen in love.
He's 65 and she's a young
Franco-Ontario grandmother who has found the love of her life
with an African American scientist
and are already exploring co-habitating. What all these stories seem to have in common,
is speed, and intensity of the bonding.
They have all told me that it "clicked", and feels so
right despite distance and obstacles.
Maybe when you do finally connect with the right fish among
the tens of thousands out there,
it really does take much of the guesswork out of
what happens next.
I expect to be giving away a bunch of love baskets to happy women
this summer. Happy endings...?
I'll keep you posted.