She described having sex with her husband as “eating her least favorite food or I would rather clean the toilet”…. But after two months on the Libido Diet she was saying “come here sailor…”
If you are not having sex with your husband or lover they end up feeling unattractive, pushed away and frustrated. It can be the end of basically good marriages, and becomes a problem that you just don’t know how to fix. Most doctors don’t know what to do or describe it as a “phase” in your marriage. It’s a REAL problem. And it won’t go away on it’s own. If you (or your partner) would rather clean the toilet than be intimate, then you need a workable, proven solution to improve sexual desire.
I can really, truly help. I see 20 patients for low libido every week and have had for the last 18 years. I have been on every panel on libido, and have worked with the leading experts on increasing sex drive and saving marriages.
The Libido Diet is the story of how I researched, experimented cajoled, and used myself (and my patients) as guinea pigs to come up with an approach to sexual dysfunction that actually seems to work. I lived this research first hand, and as I changed my hormones I dropped 150 pounds (eek!), which had me chasing my partner around the house christening all the flat surfaces.
I learned to put my own biochemistry to work. I showed my patients how to maximize their libido with supplements. I gently discovered how to understand my own sexuality, and teach that to my women libido patients.
Like with any sexual problem the challenges can be physical, emotional/psychological and relationship in nature. The issue is coming up with a specific plan that actually works. I have read, studied and researched every solution and have come up with a program that sees GUARANTEED results.
We need to fix your body. There is a great deal of science about stress, decreased sex drive and hormonal changes. Many women experience the drop in desire after childbirth, with medication, and others find it as they approach or enter menopause. But not having sex with your loving partner or pretending there isn’t anything wrong is only making the situation worse.
I want to offer a clear, ethical solution you can do at home. The Libido package includes audio counseling, self hypnosis, an action plan of hormones and supplements, and a way to put you back in the mood. I am also around to help if you need it.
The audience for The Libido Diet is primarily for women over 25, right up to menopause in their late 50’s. However the bulk of the women I’m seeing as patients are between 25 and 40 with loving partners. As I sat telling a girlfriend about my approach in treating female sexual dysfunction while sitting at a Starbucks a few weeks ago I had five women around me put down their mugs, strain to overhear, and all ask for my card. Forget eavesdropping on my more outrageous sexual stories on a radio call in sex therapist, these women all wanted to know “how in God’s name can I give myself back the lustful feeling I used to have?” I’m finding it’s a question women everywhere are asking. The Libido Diet answers those questions and comes up with a clear solution like no other book that has come out. It’s finding that horny girl inside you that you used to be. I bet you miss her. And I know your partner misses her too.
Most people think a sex therapist has the world’s most interesting job. Some days they’re right, and you just never know when someone with a cabbage fetish will walk into your office.
The truth is that sex therapists mainly see the same problems day after day. Men usually seek therapy for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and sexual addiction. Women on the other hand, come to me afraid their relationships will end because they can’t seem to get motivated or interested in having sex with their willing partners.
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Low libido, or female sexual dysfunction related to arousal and lubrication together affects 53% of woman according to The Journal of Sexual Medicine published in 2007.
It’s a monstrous problem not covered in the Cosmo headlines screaming about “more techniques that will drive him wild in bed”. What I’m seeing in my office could be a casting call of women who are telling me the same story. They are sane, normal women who can reach orgasm, and who want to be sexual but can’t seem to get motivated to get in the mood. Many of these women even looked alike. This had to be the same problem.
Most of the traditional sex therapy for low libido assumed the problem was related to performance, relationship, emotional or psychological problems. However I believe that 90% of male sexual problems are physical in nature and need to be solved that way, so why as therapists and physicians were we assuming women’s libido was all their heads? The problem crystallized for me while sitting on a panel with three gynecologists’ at the National Convention of Family Physicians. They were struggling with libido solutions as the testosterone they were taught to prescribe either wasn’t improving libido in any way or was literally putting hair on the chests of the women that were trying it. Putting me on the hot seat, all the physicians in the room wanted to know how I treated female low libido issues. They didn’t have a solution either.
As the Libido Coach (and there is no other brand out there like it), I am uniquely qualified to answer the questions about sexual desire. With an established identity and audience (as an International Sex Expert, Syndicated Talk Show How, and television host of a national magazine style sex show), I have literally spoken to or seen as a therapist over 10,000 patients.
As well I can speak to it personally. I am really candid about my personal experiences and how I challenged everything I knew in medicine to find a working solution. It also helped me lose a pile of weight. With a acknowledge expertise in women’s sexuality, and fifteen years as one of the leading sex therapists, The Libido Diet tells the truth about my own intimacy transformation, along with the celebrations of the women I coached along with me. It’s the details of how you can kick -tart your sex drive, done in both a book and engaging audio session. Just hit play on your ipod or cd player, and know you are on your way to having the kind of hot sex you need, want and deserve.
I have all the latest information on bio-identical hormones, (and we are all crazy when we are hormonal), and the latest medical and health information about balancing those out-of-whack hormones. I’ve made it my life’s work to help women “get back that loving feeling”, and I do a Start Me Up program that I GUARANTEE. Hang in there, call me, email me, download this and help is on the way. And it is less than the cost of movie date out.
Are you ready to feel better? Are you ready to put that bounce back in your step? Click here and get started. Further specifics related to your hormones, and counseling is offered once you get all the information. Make an informed decision about your body.
Start TODAY – I hope to be your therapist. I consider it my life’s mission to put back that loving feeling. It makes the world a better place. And it starts with your $49 purchase.