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Nursing home sex – it turns out that all the old guys are still getting some

Older3  One of my favorite patients I've ever had as a sex therapist was a man – let's call him M, who came to see me for help finding a new sexual position with his wife after surgery. He was 90 at the time, and his wife was 87. I saw him as he turned 91, and they were still working on keeping a lifetime of sexual activity going. They couldn't do my stairs, and I had to make a housecall, but what a delight they were to see. I regularly see patients in their 70's and a few in their 80's that are working hard to keep what they have going on in the sack.

I just finished Still Doing it,  intimate lives of women over 60 the video and book by Fishel and Holtzberg about the amazing, largely uncelebrated, sex lives of older women. Yeah! I can't wait to be having hot sex when I'm old.   It was a delight.

"STILL DOING IT: The Intimate Lives of Women Over Sixty is the first book to send out the battle cry, to challenge the myths and misconceptions that surround older women and sex. Women over 60 are still doing it – it being whatever turns them on, from doing humanitarian work to buying a dildo, from climbing Machu Picchu to having the best orgasms of their lives. Sex is so much more than an act – it’s a metaphor for being alive. STILL DOING IT is a call to arms. Women of all ages, stand up! Follow your passions! Fall in love! Get laid!"

I actually gave my copy to my mother for her book club. She's in her late 60's, in fabulous shape, and I know has an active sexual life. It's a suggestion for a interesting Christmas present for your Mom this holiday.

Anyway, it seems that everyone it starting to wise up that older people can still do it. A new research paper and education lecture has been touring nursing homes encouraging staff to celebrate – not make more difficult- the sex lives of their residents.

 "The research, whose details were announced today, was presented in October at the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging conference.

"By law, you can't always lock a room, but you can offer residents some privacy," Doll said. The semi-private rooms that are typical in nursing homes pose a problem for residents who want to engage in sexual activity, either alone or with a partner, Doll added.

In fact, past research has shown that men and women continue to participate in sexual intercourse and "solo activities" well into their 70s and 80s."

We recently met a man pushing 80 at Desire Rivera MayaMexcian lifestyle and nude resort from Canada. His wife (also in her 70's who had no problem with being naked and sexual in the hot tub) had to leave the resort for a day, and gave him cart blanche to get some action if he could while she was away. That's what I want to be like. 80, at a nude resort in Mexico, and able to get sexual advances from other, like-minded people decades younger. Smile.

related topics: http://www.livescience.com/culture/081118-nursing-home.html, www.sexwithsue.com, www.schoolofsquirting.com, www.solveprematureejaculatiion.net