
Long Distance Love affairs or the new world of web cam sex

Long_distance I have a girlfriend who in the midst of the craziness of internet dating, and has been for awhile. She says her experiences have become fodder for a book, but what I find interesting is how she can manage to keep the spark at such distances. She tells me she’s had relationships with men in Kentucky, London, Nigeria, Turkey, Italy, and all over the US and Canada.
She’s traveled to Istanbul, New York, and last week, had a guy from California fly 2000 miles simply to take her for dinner. Now she’s over 50, has struggled to keep her figure at times, and although attractive, isn’t stunning. A great woman for the right guy, but she wouldn’t describe herself as “barbie-like”. She’s just willing to open herself up to potential relationships, and is doggedly persistence in her search for a real guy. I asked her about the appeal, and how does she stay interested after hours logged on?
She said that “the webcam helps alot, and the erotic chat is surprisingly hot.” And with the great technology of MSN, skype, and now these new high definition web cams, it’s almost as good as the real thing. Well almost…
I’ve long believed that long distance relationships only work when you have a set date that you know it will end.  You can endure much, if you know the end is in sight. Anything else is Hell.
So with my love away from me this week (not to fear, we are way ahead on the New Year’s Resolution of 300 boffs), I’m hooking up my new webcam and watching my nipples turn this slightly mottled color of thousand of flesh-like pixels. Now if I could just figure out how to plug in this wireless vibrator into the mix, it really could be almost like the real thing. Longdistance3