She’s gotta have it. The name of my favorourite Spike Lee movie, and the thoughts for today’s musings.
I see alot of sex addicts, but they are almost all men. Addicts, (who used to be called nymphomaniacs) are what one sex therapist described as the crack cocaine of the 21st century), are coming to see me in droves. Most of these guys are addicted to internet porn, escorts, video porn, and those massage parlours. Spending too much money, and are using sex as a way to manage stress. Guys that just like sex alot are seldome called addicts. if they just want sex, they are thought of as ‘players’ (if all guys want sex, and think about it every 6 minutes, where does the addiction start? I would say when it satrts to interfere with everyday life, but I digress again.
Lately I’ve been seeing a women addicts. These are nice women who are adrenaline and sex junkies. picking up strange men on business trips, working as a teacher during the day, and escort at night, unbenounced to their boyfriends, husbands and co-workers. I have heard of one woman who offers to work as a stripper for the night whenever she is out of town at the local establishment. She says she uses the money to pay for sexy clothes, but it’s about the rush and she would do it for free.
I’m wondering why the sexuality of my patients, and now the gender of my patients have changed so much? I can treat these women, but most don’t want to eliminate the behaviour, just manage it. I call it ‘boxing’ (or compartmentalizing if you’ld prefer…) I’m doing some reading and will (with permission and anonymity) write more about the new kind of nymphomaniacs.