
Autoeroticism (or hanging yourself while masturbating). The story of David Carradine and Michael Hutchence



www.sexwithsue.com David

You may have heard that David Caradine died last week by accident during a session of kinky masturbation gone terribly wrong. So under the "don't you dare try this at home folks", let me give you the "sex therapist's" take on what autoerotic asphyxiation is and why guys like David Carradine, and Michale Huchence (formally of INXS before he died) get their jollies cutting off oxygen to the brain.

For awhile in the early 80's you could find "popers" at some of the less regulated sex shops. They were little pills that were "quasi- street drugs" that apparently made sex better. I haven't seen any in years, but the nitric oxide (hormone that helps trigger erections, and impacts heart medication) in the popers apparently gave you a head rush and made orgasms more intense. Apparently you can get the same head rush by near strangling yourself during masturbation (and also kill off a bunch of irreplaceable brain cells, and run a fair risk of killing yourself), so it is extremely dangerous.  This rush is the reason that some guys use a slip knot, their teeth and a noose of knotted rope to hang themselves in hotel closets in Thailand (as Carradine was found). Pictures of Carradine's naked body have made their way to a Thai tabloid, and imply that he was dressed in lingerie and a wig. Most guys use a cloth between the rope and their neck to diminish the rope marks, and have some sort of porn used for sexual stimulation, (Carradine apparently had neither), and whenever I come across this behaviour as a therapist I know it can never end well. As in the song that my kids sing "oh, everyone makes mistakes, oh yes they do."

Sad for his family, puts a graphic and tawdry spin on his death after a great career, but for me it is just another reminder that everyone has some sort of kink. No matter how famous and seemingly "put together" they are. The longer I'm a therapist, the more that I know that everyone has a fantasy, fetish, sexual preference, or past exploit that is unique and their private kink. Be as kinky as you want, but don't try this one. It will kill you sooner or later.

And then the jokes begin. As Rick Currie, the comic I heard Thursday night say "is it too early to use the phrase Hung Fu".

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