Women have a greater sensitivity to food allergies. Find out why these sensitivities affect your sex drive.
One of my key findings in the Libido Diet book was the discovery of the correlation between food allergies and low sex drive. There isn’t a lot of research to support my concusions (just my 20 years of counseling for low sex drive), but my belief is that food allergies increase the cellular inflammation and impacts on the bodies ability to use testosterone and the sex binding globulin hormone that allows us to feel sexy.
In English that means if you have a food allergy, you have to work extra hard to keep your libido where it should be.
In trying to stay well read on the subject, I found this article that suggests women have greater, and more pronounced food allergies than men. Given that low sex drive problems are an 80/20 women to men problem, I keep trying to understand the connection. I’ve written extensively about this in my Libido Diet book (see side panel or at www.sexwithsue.com). The top five allergy foods are seafood, nuts, milk, wheat, eggs, with things like strawberries and dill thrown in as other examples of food sensitivities. All I’m saying is that if you have a food aversion, be aware there is some link between that and sexual desire.
In the meantime, have a read about why it may affect women more than men.
It is well established that there are differences between men and women in the incidence of allergic
diseases. For example, the occurrence of some allergic diseases such as asthma is higher among
females than males after puberty. When asked, females will report more often than men that they
are allergic towards certain foods. This might be partly explained by the fact that females in general
report worse health than men and have more active health seeking behaviour than men. However,
recently reported data from a Norwegian national register of severe allergic reactions to food
showed a strong dominance of reactions by females (60%) over males (40%). This suggests that
there is also a clear biological mechanism. Either females are biologically more susceptible to
developing food allergies or have a different pattern of exposure to allergenic foods than men.