
What I learned from the Nation's leading BDSM teacher about being a Dominatrix

I am 25 years as a Sex Therapist and I still take courses on sex. The latest workshop was a follow up with Midori on rope and the Art of Female Domination. I have been to three of Midoi’s classes previously on setting the scene and creating fantasies. Midori is a San Francisco BDSM teacher and author who talks about kink. She’s diminutive, entertaining, and a bit bad ass.
Her presentation on being a Femme Domme (although the main theories apply equally to men) had some great tips between loads of stories and her getting regularly off track.  There is no doubt she’s kinky. And her idea that you don’t have to be a great technician (whip with precision), or be so sure of yourself there is no doubt, you just have to tell and live your truth to be an outstanding dominate.
According to Midori, the best domination happens in the energy and electricity between dualities. Meaning hard/soft, warm/cold, little girl and sex siren. Being feminine and dominate at the same time. That theme comes up in any book on power, or in Robert Greene’s excellent coverage on Seduction.
Midori emphasizes working on your gaze, your touch and your voice. That’s what brings shivers to any submissive. She talks about softly pushing a sub with confidence. Like with burlesque there is no one style. It’s finding your particular style.
She brainstormed about different power female women and characters. She used history, myth, fiction, arts and entertainment to come up with a list of potential power women. Everyone like Cleopatra (ruler but dramatic), Mae West (come up and see me sometime), Barbarella/Jane Fonda – ice queen and elegant to illustrate styles. By finding someone you want to emulate (even if it’s Catwoman) you list the good and bad qualities and start thinking about your dominate style.
It takes some work and some thought. But it’s a quick way to identify who you are ans what you want as a potential dominate.
I’m looking forward to finding out my feminine dominant style.  Why don’t you try it too?