The Top male sexual fantasies? Sex with two women? Sex with three women? You might be surprised…
That according to phone sex workers polled by the EROS foundation of Australia, the most popular call in sex fantasy was being dominated by a sexy and powerful woman. Bring on the weekend dominatrixes, because it turns men on. I believe that a good 70% of men are somewhat or seriously sexually submissive. But sometimes the numbers really do surprise me. A full 43% of calls were to be told forcefully what to do in the bedroom, or be tied up and punished, along with playing houseboy, or be forced to dress in women's clothes. 43%! I know men have an innate, psycholgical need to be led by strong, sexual women (either becuase they were raised by strong women and part of their pyche needs that, or that they make descision all day and want to be sexually submissive in bed, the theories abound as to why). The truth is that men love to be rough housed by a stong womna, particularly in dominate clothes. Go figure.
Sex with women in the school girl outfits followed at 23%, followed by anal sex at 15%. Rounding out the top five was the whole MILF thing – or sex with an older woman, followed by what everyone assumes would be the most common, sex with two women at a time holding down a measly 9% of respondents.
So if the numbers are true (and I'm inclined to believe them as they stand up with other fantasy polls), you should spend the weekend in black leather and whips, followed by the tarty girl in ponytails, and then bend over and wiggle your bottom to really drive him over the edge. Hmm… well I guess that's fair if he'll play Tarzan in a loincloth, or Erol Flynn the pirate, or any of the other common women sexual fantasies in return. I'm told that costume stores do a booming business all through the year, not just at Halloween so find an outfit and start yodelling.