
Sex and Gaming – why computer generated hotties may be a good substitute for the real thing

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I was asked to comment on a Canadian survey that came out in time for Valentine’s Day this week. The survey, conducted for Virgin Mobile, shows 56
per cent of young Canadians (ages 18 to 34) prefer holding their mobile phone
over their Valentine’s hand and almost 40 per cent say they’d rather live
without their Valentine for a week than their mobile phone.
“Clearly, people have a deep love affair with their mobile phones,
especially younger Canadians, and this survey shows just that,” said Nathan
Rosenberg, Virgin Mobile’s Chief Marketing Officer.
argh! I found the thought of being more attached to my phone than to a thinking, breathing (demanding or snoring) partner kind of depressing. I regularly try and kick my cell phone across airports, (and have a graveyard drawer of dead blackberries). But does technology have to be bad as it relates to sex? I’ve been blogging about my love affair with toys (can’t remember when I actually had to use my own hand to bring myself to orgasm (it has to have been a decade), and now I cam kind of intrigued with some of this virtual sex. All the gaming vixens that started with the anatomical Laura Croft, and come of the sexier, and steamer virtual partners. With the audience getting older, we want a more adult feel to our console interaction (can we all say vibrating joystick?). Think of the success of we fit with middle aged women.
It turns out that more sex is coming for women in the gaming community.
“Erotic content for women is the fastest growing segment of the adult market,” she says. “It stands to reason it’s a growing segment in the gaming market as well.”
It also stands to reason that if you want gamers to subscribe to an interactive sex game, you want to appeal to both men and women. In fact, if you can get women to sign on, the men will follow.
Two games scheduled to launch next year are taking this woman-friendly approach, although both companies are shy about describing exactly what the new games will entail.
Having spent some time at the Banff New Media Centre designing new media sex games, Iknow it’s hard to walk that line between cheesy and sleazy but I’ll know it when I see it. I’m thinking the Rock, Howie Long, Clive Owens, and Ben Affleck naked and at my control. Hmmm it may have possibilities. In the meanwhile, let me turn off my phone and for my damn vibrator.