The season of Sex. Great fall date night suggestions to take advantage of snuggling under the covers weather.
Did you know that there is a season for sex? It turns out it’s fall when moose, sheep and apparently people go into mating season and start to rut. There is a Newfie poem with the phrase “when the frost is on the pumpkin now that’s the time for dinky dunking”. It’s not particularly eloquent but it sums up the human reproductive trends.
According to Psychology Today, fertility peaks between 40-60 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s definitely fall weather.
“Human physiology indicates that we are also seasonal breeders. To be more specific, sex hormones, including testosterone, peak in the fall and are at their lowest in the summer. Early researchers made the mistake of focusing mainly on men who have a comparatively weak annual cycle. Women emerge as having a more pronounced increase in testosterone production in the fall that is double their lowest level in the summer (2). This suggests that both sexes would have a higher sex drive in the fall. This is particularly true of women, for whom testosterone is used to boost libido, whereas male testosterone has a less reliable effect on sex drive. Similarly, temperatures lingering mostly between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit are optimal for fertilization, and that corresponds to the cooler fall weather in seasonal countries. One way of interpreting the seasonal effects on human fertility is in terms of the suppression of fertilization when it is very hot (in midsummer) or when it is very cold (in winter).”
That means women are much hornier in the fall. It also means you are more likely to conceive this time of year.
So what can you do to take advantage of the increased sexiness and get women more horizontal?
1. Encourage your partner to wear your jacket or dress shirt. I know we often stretch out the sleeves, but putting pheromones and your masculine scent all over her will make her ovaries start to twitch.
2. Take her costume shopping. Any Halloween store this month is a perfect date night place. They have skanky outfits and it’s the one time of year when you are celebrated for wearing them. They have lots of hunky superhero and viking costumes. And I don’t know any woman who hasn’t fantasized about Robert Downey Jr. as Ironman.
3. Try the corn maze hand in hand. It’s on my bucket list to get lost in one and do naughty things.
4. Find a haunted house. Anything that gets your adrenaline up bonds you as a couple. She will hang onto you.
5. Bonfires and snuggling up around them. They are especially good with one of those pumpkin lattes.
6. Giant leaf piles. When was the last time you rolled in one?
7. We just did one of the local dive through parks where you feed the wildlife carrots from your car. The animals were incredibly active compared to a summer visit. And it’s mating season there too and you might see a reproduction nature documentary in real life.
8. Wine tasting. The harvest is in and the wine is flowing. Our favourite local winemaker ( has a chocolate caramel mead (a honey wine) that is called “sex in a glass” and is the best panti-remover around.
9. Get one of those new weighted blankets and snuggle under it. It feels like you are being hugged the entire time you are touching. Makes for great foreplay.
10. Hayrides. We just went on a haunted hayride followed by a bonfire with warm cider. That’s a dating Yatzee. Feel free to beat it.