It's Oktoberfest! Understand how drinking the right kind of beer can increase your sex life!

If you are planning on taking in some of the Oktoberfest celebrations this October you might want to pay attention to the association between sex and beer. Really.
It turns out we do associate sex and beer. Hence all the Bavarian beer wench outfits. Here are some of the correlations:
1. Go for craft beer drinkers. Apparently the research from the Centre for Disease Control says the more expensive the drinks, the less likely someone is to carry a STI. The craft beer drinkers (and the most organic) had the least number of nasty infections.
2. The sweeter the beer the more likely it is to increase testosterone. Alcohol has long been known as a panti-remover. It turns out that sweeter beer does the most for increasing women’s testosterone levels. So if you are buying a girl in braids a boot of beer, go for the fruit flavoured beverages.
3. Beer goggles are real. The more we drink the more attractive people look to us. And we certainly associate beer and sex. Other studies show that both men and women believe that drinking alcohol heightens the probability of a sexual encounter and that men admit to using alcohol to try to encourage women to “hook up” (see Vander Ven and Beck, 2009). However, women also report drinking more beer when feeling romantic.