
Why getting therapy before you start dating might be a good idea.

Post Valentine’s Day when singles peek their noses out of their apartments and are more ready to see their shadows & start dating. What are the things you can do if you decide that the time may be right for you to get out there and meet someone new. One of those things is to finally take any baggage you may be carrying to the curb.

There was a great newsletter from Logan Ury on dating. She talked about how people found potential partners much more attractive if they were seeing a Therapist and working on themselves. You are badass and super sexy for working on those past issues that keep you down.

Here is her list on what you need to do to find a Therapist. Research says that 50% of therapy is making a decision to start doing something about your past issues and finding a therapist you click with.

Have a look below. It’s a great checklist about finding the therapeutic fit.

How to find a therapist

Finding a therapist can feel overwhelming.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself before you begin.

— Do I want to see a therapist virtually or in person?

— Do I want to use my insurance?

— Do I want to see a therapist who looks like me?

— What do I want to work on?

The biggest predictor of success in therapy is the client/therapist relationship. So fit is super important. Here are some initial questions to determine if they’re a good fit (and check out this article for more.)

— Do I feel safe?

— Do I feel a connection?

— Do I enjoy their style?

— Do they tend to give advice/feedback or focus mostly on asking questions?

Feel free to “shop around” before committing to a therapist.