The latest, greatest (and some re-hashed) techniques to improve your penis size. Or large schlong 101.
I keep being asked about penis size by men who wonder whether there is a "real life, do-it yourself" method for enlarging your johnson. I was reviewing a list of all the known theories on penis size for my book about premature ejaculation, increasing your size and generally improving your performance that I needed to write for an upcoming presentation I have which I affectionately call "Schlong Tips."
Unfortunately there isn't loads of science about how to improve the size documented, peer reviewed and written up in reputable science journals. So I have to use a combination of popular literature, anecdotal evidence from my patients and 10 years of radio call in guys, along with stories swaped by doctors and sex therapists. My audio book on penis enlargement that can be downloaded has a more extensive detailed discussion of this subject, along with my private conversation with the urologist I used to film my series in Toronto.
Anyway, here is a summary of the few that I found most interesting and are the most plausible, however, I'm just passing on the information and not commenting on the effectiveness. As I don't have a penis (and I'm delighted with the one I get to borrow) I haven't tried any of them out.
1. Stretch method. -"Pioneer anthropologist Margaret Mead reported that Polynesian males stretch their penises with a woven device that wraps around the end and has weights on the other. Physiologically the effect of hanging a heavy weight from the penis encourages a relaxation of the suspensory ligament, which can ultimately externalize an additional inch or so of the crura- or penile root.
2. Foreskin restoration - These devices are basically a tube, weights, and a loop that hangs around the foreskin, and stretches it, causes the pleasant side effect of penile enlargement. This is similar to the method to essentially "yank" on the end of the penis (most body parts are enlarged through use, stretching, and encouragement). Apparently repeated and deliberate pulling of the penis will help relax the suspensory ligament over time.
3. Vacuum pumping – Think ofa milking machine. one that applies negative pressure around the penis, and blood is forced into the organ which then becomes distended and turgid. The literature claims it stretches out the tissues and gives the penis " a workout". Details that diligently and persistently vacuum pumping your penis (a minimum of 6 months with a high quality medical pump) will add close to an inch to both the length and width of your member. This has the added benefit of improving erections in older men who have been having difficulties.