Out of town sex or Mistress 101 part 2
So what do you do if you’re a travelling business guy trying to find some out-of-town-sex with integrity? Escorts, rub and tug parlors, offer a quick release but with no follow through, and for a thinking man, they can be very unsatisfying. Swing clubs rarely let in single men, and "a girl in every port" takes work, money, time, a regular schedule, and private communication streams. Mistresses can be great travelling companions (think of her naked, covered in peach body cream, eating chocolate, lying in wait for you in your hotel room), but it is a rare breed that isn’t a Princess in her pouts and demands. Finding the easy, charming, travelling kind-of-mistress usually takes big money. Or at least lots, and lots of continued attention. Tough to do when you’re trying to get some business done.
I have men calling me as a sex therapist trying to figure out how to get more and better sex that they are missing at home in a way that’s safe, intimate, and still honours their souls. Many have tried it rather unsatisfactorly on the road. A friend of mine spent a week in Vegas alone and didn’t partake in any of the chicken ranch visits, or follow up with all of those cards they give you on every street corner. He said that for him, "sex is about the connection and the overall sensual experience, not ejaculation". Tough thing to do with the $200 an hour crowd. For women, we are always surprised at how much time men spend thinking about the possibilities of getting some. I have no new suggestions for guys out on the road tonight. Buying some erotica in the airport book store to read on the plane will just make your pants tight for the trip home. I once read Nancy Friday from Vancouver to Toronto non-stop and had an orgasm in the cheap seats just by rubbing my thighs together. Hard thing to do if you’re a boy. I’m sure you can always do the one handed solution watching hotel room porn (unless you have a 24 hour rule). It’s probably what’s happening considering that pay-per-view porn has higher gross revenues than ABC and NBC combined. Think of me if you’re alone with your hand tonight. smile.