
Obama and sex. Why the new President will make the US a safer place to be a little kinky

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ObamaLike many people around the globe I watched the swearing in and inaugural speech of Barack Obama this morning. I wish him well, hope he lives long enough to fulfill his mandate. Lord knows his job will get very difficult starting tomorrow.  His quote about “imagination has joined with a common purpose”, and his stand on tolerance, diversity and open-mindedness is more than refreshing.  One of the things that I see as a marriage therapist is how connected he and Michelle seem to be. I think they show people how loving, two people in a fish bowl can still be, while maintaining their integrity. I’m sure deep down they fall into the Ethical Hedonist model of hot sex. I’m a big believer that great marriages are a gift to everyone else around them, and it will be interesting to see if they can remain as connected despite the enormous pressures. I’m hopeful.
“When he leaned into Michelle as she wrapped her arms around him from behind after the New Hampshire loss, when she cradles his face in her expressive hands while kissing him, with every dap and nuzzle and palpable vibe between them, “you see love onstage,” said Harriette Cole of Ebony, the first in a long line of popular magazines to certify the two as a “hot couple.” All in all, a wholesome package as Barack and Michelle make America cool and marriage cool by making both sexy, or at least ready for their close-up.”
The other thing that I am am convinced in the American world of the right and the far right is an open tolerance to a plenary of sexual differences. He came out against California’s ant-gay marriage law, and after 8 years of Bush preaching abstinence-only education we may see a decline in teenage birth rates as we put forward a common sense, reality based education platform. The world seemed more tolerant today. Let’s hope that message of “unclench your fist and take my hand” will continue.