Gene Simmons and the Walrus. Powerful men who are almost never monogamous.
When I met Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed last summer when KISS was in town for Bluesfest. He was definitely checking out the boobs of all the women present. Well so was every other heterosexual man there so that’s nothing new. He is a legendary Lothario, even if he’s been in a relationship with Shannon for 28 years and they have a couple of kids. Super sexual, smart and powerful there is a new word to describe these guys – it’s a walrus.
The fabulous Fates book about the Walrus – personality traits of powerful and successful men that almost never involves monogamy. It’s part of their persona to be still conquering women – despite the circumstance. Line them up and bend them over as Spif will often tell me. Simmons recently proposed to Tweed on Family Jewels. He said he would never do it, and the reviews aren’t sure it isn’t just ratings stunt.
So what exactly are the traits of a walrus? Here is the fates description:
Think about a successful self-made industrialist, entrepreneur, politician, superstar and sports hero have in common? These male media mavericks and megastars love women; they are highly promiscuous. They love sex, they want sex and they need sex. They always get sex and lots of it! Is there a biological reason for this behavior? Have you ever wondered whether a self-made man or a man with inherited wealth would make the better husband, lover, colleague or friend? Perhaps, because of this attention, you have considered spending mega bucks on yourself to impress him. Do you think it may win him over? Do you think you could profit from his interest? Would he lend you money for your new venture or pay off your debt? High profile, powerful and dominant men can even get away with murder, impeachment and lying under oath with no remorse or ramifications. These men are the movers, makers, shakers and takers. The Walrus Theory is a metaphor comparing the promiscuous dominant man and the walrus in nature. Its insatiable appetites for sex and survival, its bachelor-like habits, its hunger for multiple mates and its need for togetherness are extremely similar. There are these and many other similarities between the white-tusked wanderer of the sea and the promiscuous dominant man. We have coined the term Walrus to describe these types of men.
Having met Gene and being a secret (okay not-so-secret) watcher (Can you rock ‘n roll all night?) of his show he is a great example of the Walrus. George Clooney, Bill Clinton, Hugh Hefner to name a few. Powerful, sexual and have women dropping at their feet. Even if they are as physically unattractive as I find Gene Simmons to be. Like walruses, they’ve got something going on.