Tag Archive for: 2020 sex research

They offer free University classes to people over 70 where I live. I’ve decided that when I am retired I want to spend my golden years doing sex research. It’s so interesting.

There is a summary of the best new findings in sex in 2020 that offer up some new, some obvious, and some food for thought when it comes to new, published research this year.

The article summarizes some the facts about sex that made the news.

Things like:

  1. Over 60% of British citizens didn’t have or hardly wanted sex during the pandemic. While some women (who were probably rested for the first time in ages) wanted it more.
  2.  You can smell when a woman is aroused. Duh. But this is through her clothes and at a much less scent profile than previously thought.
  3. Viewing sex as an exchange of of favors tends to backfire. Being gracious, grateful, & generous in bed means you actually get more.
  4. Talking about sex really helps people with depression.
  5.  Your neglectful parents could be the cause of your rotten sex life.

I particularly liked the study about libido in women. It’s half of what I see in my practice.

“In a study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, researchers surveyed over 500 women in long-term relationships to try to identify a typology of desire. They found women struggling with low sexual desire can be categorized into one of two distinct groups: “globally distressed women” and “sexually dissatisfied women.” Globally distressed women had low sexual desire relative to other women, but they were also dealing with very low relationship satisfaction and high overall life stress. In comparison, sexually dissatisfied women also had relatively low sexual desire, but they had more normal levels of relationship satisfaction and life stress—suggesting their issues were contained to the bedroom.”

What it means for women is that some women have hormonal, relationship, psychological, & stress reasons for chronic low libido that won’t be fixed on it’s own. And other women have low sexual desire because their sex lives (& relationships) are poor.

Learning to ask for what you need and being better in bed is something concrete that will help. My new Sex Ed site has videos offering up “not your Mother’s Sex Ed” descriptions on just how to be better in bed.  It’s a great way to do something today to improve your sex skills & desire.