Tag Archive for: how to get women into bed


Warren Wilt Julio

I had a patient call me who said that "their New Year's Resolution was to sleep with 24 women this year". He wanted to average two new partners a month and wanted my advice on how to accomplish such a feat.  Since I rarely seduce women, I thought he should go to the experts. Fortunately, both Warren Beatty and Julio Iglesias have released biographies that outline their exploits. And who could forget Wilt Chamberlain's claim that he slept with over 20,000 women?

These three are a few of the most famous cocksmen of the last 25 years that came springing to mind.

As Wilt said "he had had sex with approximately 20,000 women. "At my age," he wrote, "that equals out to having sex with 1.2 women a day, every day since I was fifteen years old." Chamberlain's claims ignited a wave of public criticism (and skepticism), to which he responded, "I don't see all this lovemaking as any kind of conquest; all I'm saying is that I like women, people are curious about my sex life, and to most people the number of women who have come and gone through my bedrooms (and various hotel rooms around the country) would boggle the mind."

He apparently didn't have any patented techniques on getting them into the bedroom. I guess being 7 feet tall, a famous basketball star, rich, and being incredibly well endowed was enough. 

Beatty (the subject of Carly Simon's song You're So Vain) "tells us that if he had no more than one partner a night — and often there were several — over a period of say, three and a half decades, from the mid-1950s … to 1991 when he met Annette Bening, and allowing for the stretches when he was with the same woman, more or less we can arrive at a figure of 12,775 women." That's one woman a day for 35 years which my math guy says is a very questionable number. But he did sleep with some highly appealing women such as Madonna, Cher, Julie Christie, Diane Keaton, Leslie Caron, Michelle Phillips, Britt Eklund, Mary Tyler Moore, Natalie Wood … the list goes on.

In a timely article (for my blog at least) Iglesias claimed "he was like a rabbit." The singer added that he had a "superstition, a quirk or whatever, that I couldn't go onstage to sing if I didn't make love first."

I don't think any of these men's techniques can be duplicated by my 24 in '10 guy. Blaik's suggestion is  "that $5,000 will guarantee it this month". (at the average hooker prices of $200 a roll). However, if you are trying not to pay for sex then you need to follow The Formula.  We're writing a book (called, you guessed it The Formula) about how to find your perfect love/sex partner in four months or less. Which will outline the things that women find attractive (like good hygiene, safety, sense of humour, nice smelling, intelligent conversation, and humility), and how to write an ad (and which sites to put it on) that will guarantee you get laid. Barring that, it is one of those over 30 singles events where the women always outnumber the guys. If you can't score in a place like that, then you "really do have two heads". I'm testing it with my wanna be Lethario. We'll see if he can close the deal on 24.