There was a scene from the iconic movie Norma Rae played by Oscar winner Sally Fields. The character Norma Rae is busy organizing a union while simultaneously cooking, talking on the phone and ironing. Her husband is trying to get her attention for sex and she suggests he lift up skirt from behind while she’s ironing and penetrate her as she’s too busy to stop and make love properly.

That scene had stuck with me for over 20 years during my conversations with clients about finding the time, interest and newness to be together. Sometimes it’s health, kids, or in Norma’s case, changing the world that puts sex on a hiatus for a time.
But if sex is boring or where one partner lacks enthusiasm, it leads to relationship breakdowns.
How do spice things up adjust busy lives?

You look for short cuts.
I spend much of my day as a Sex Therapist talking about sexy date nights.
This isn’t a date to see the new Marvel movie, it’s watching a movie without panties.
Or it’s pulling out interesting, sexy toys, potions, or fun activities that will spice things up.
I decided I needed to help. My team and I have put together what I’m calling a “smut kit” or monthly passion pack of interesting, fun things I’ve sourced to easily spice things up with little effort on your part.
You need to get mail every month that causes you to bite your lip.

The packages are inexpensive and include instructions, challenge cards and cool things to put in your grown up toy box. I’ve been negotiating with sponsors trying to obtain extra value items so your sex life is bumped up to 11.
I’m addition, anyone who subscribed to our spicy smut kit gets a free membership to the Ducklings Social Group where you can attend events, connect with other people anonymously, get discounts at sponsors, and receive a weekly email that includes how-to videos and books on Grown-up Sex Ed.
All for an incredible price of $18.99 a month. So for less than $20 your sex life ramps up to sizzling with little effort on your part.
Here’s how you participate.
Step 1. Click here to order your box
You will get an acknowledgement email and your first passion pack will be swiftly sent out.
2. You will then be sent a link to join the Ducklings (wearetheducklings.com) and start getting your weekly Grown-Up Sex Ed videos & books. These emails will keep your sex life in the Wow zone while you await your next month’s package.
- You will have you shaking down your mailman and jumping up & down with excitement.
- Watch your friends ask your secret as your partner chases you around the house.
- Walk tall and know yay you are now part of the Passion package & Duckling Community.
A monthly date night package to keep things hot and entice your partner into incredible sex adventures.
Curated by International, Syndicated Talk Show host and Clinical Sex Therapist Sex with Sue.