Penis enlargement. What appears to be safe and what appears to be problematic.
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I’ve become an expert in the male penis despite not having one. Sure I’ve played with my share but this is about the psychology of penis size. It started as a young therapist working in an STI clinic in downtown Ottawa in the 80’s well before the advent of the internet. There were so many different sizes, shapes and a large number of men would ask how they measured up.
They all wanted suggestions for how they could make it bigger.
Flash forward to private practice where I had men calling from Autralia, the south China sea, Italy, fishing camps in Alaska and from Santiago and other parts of South America wanting counseling on their penis sizes.
Some of them wanted to come to terms with their size. Some had so much sexualized humiliation that teasing about their penis became fetishized and was now eroitc. Some wanted a description of the tools that might actually work to increse size.
Besides talking to men going through procedures (everything from implants, soundwaves, injections, fillers and more) into their junk to help them understand the what and the why’s.
It’s such an all consuming issue. Have a read of the story of one of my clients.
“My name is Jack and, on the surface, I have a really great life. By most accounts you would say I’ve made a success of my life. I have a great job, lost of friends and money to explore the world and live life to the fullest.
I seemed to be a happy bachelor and living my best life. However, as good as I seemed to have it, I was struggling. I didn’t have sex at all. I had tried once in the past when I was in my final year of high school, I dated a pretty girl at my school and eventually we were ready to have sex. The scene was set, her parents were away and we were all set. Once we were naked and I was making my move she looked down at my penis and asked if I needed help getting hard. I told her I was hard. Her eyes widened and she said I don’t think this is going to work. I still remember how humiliated I was. I knew I wasn’t big but I didn’t think it would go like this. I got up and got dressed and left and never spoke to her again.
For years, I didn’t have sex; I desperately wanted a girlfriend and to be sexual with someone but I just couldn’t imagine a repeat of that night.”
I can talk him through much of the trauma and help him re-frame it but how do you actually solve it?
There is a blog forum talking about the “yank” (which looks like a medievial torture rack) that stretches your penis for up to 6 hours a day. I can olny imagine it’s like being in the world’s most uncomfortable bra and corset. My clients describe the relief in taking it off.
So what actually works????
If you are considering some kind of procedure have a read of these articles about it. Do your homework. Get some counselling.
Feel free to send me an email and I’ll send you my list of penis enlargement treatments from non-intrusive to very complicated and risky.