How you can tell a man's penis size by looking at his hands. Sex therapist explains

My ex-husband had size 13 or 14 shoes. I took a bunch of ribbing at my bridal shower about his perceived dick size based on the size of his feet. Well he was no slouch in that department, it wasn’t the shoe size that was indicative of his penis size. It was the ratio between his ring and index finger.
It has long been understood that the fourth finger has to do with the amount of testosterone in utero a man receives. The ring finger is connected to genitals and hormones for acupressure, and it is the ratio of ring finger to index finger (pointer) that means he’s well endowed. The goal is to have a very low ratio – or hope that your index finger and ring finger are not too different in size.
The Korean study done by Dr. Tae Beom Kim of Korea’s Gachon University check the hands and penis’s of men going for surgery.  He concluded that the ring finger to index finger ration can accurately predict adult penile size.
But there are ways around it. In my package on penis size i discuss ways to increase the size of your schlong. There are now devices on the market that can increase the size up to 40%. If braces can move teeth in bone, than some of the yank devices can stretch your penis to be significantly longer. You must wear the devices for up to 6 hours a day over 6 month and you’ll have a permanent change. Some of the pumps can be effective as well in changing penis size.
Or you can get a modified glove that shows off your low index/ring finger ratio to the best advantage. I’m certainly looking more at men’s hands than I used to.  Try it and let me know.