How too much oral sex can lead to smelly snatches – gasp!
One of the many very cool things about being a sex therapist is that people tell me things that they never tell anyone else. Thus I seem to get a range of information that I put together that other people don't seem to be aware of. The latest is the correlation that I've become aware of (and that you might not know about) is between vulva odor and oral sex. The mouth bacteria is different (and more potent) than the natural flora present in the vagina. Thus, if a woman is getting licked out, the bacteria in saliva (which loves, warm, moist dark places) starts to grow. It can lead to the unpleasant odor which every sexually active woman (and the men that love them) are familiar with. For a woman with lots of "friends" whose tongues visit regularly, the problems of different bacteria from different people compound. NOT that I am suggesting that the public service and necessary sexual activity of bush munching be curtailed! I just think it is important for women who Ricive, (and who don't want to smell yucky) to follow a few basis rules.
1. Watch out for smokers down there. Nicotine on tongues and fingers can lead to a nasty vaginal infection. Hand washing and mouth wash should be encouraged.
2. After you have recovered from a good tongue lashing, wash with antibacterial soap like you would your hands.
3. Takeprobiotics (lactobacillius the healthy bacteria found in yogurt, and found anyplace that sells vitamins) as a daily supplement.
4. If it gets too rangy, try my personal favourite cream,Vitaderm. It's an anti inflammatory, cortisol, anti fungal, and antibacterial lotion all in one. It gets rid of anything that's not suppose to be there in less than a day (so you are fresh for the next session.)
If you want to be motivated to follow the rules (instead of just rolling over and going into a contented, post cunnilingus sleep, then read about all the bugs that are naturally present in mouths.
The more than 100 species of bacteria, and hundreds of species of fungi, protozoa, and viruses that have taken up residence in our mouths is difficult to fathom. Microbiologists estimate that, in addition to these known species, there are up to 500 other living, breathing organisms inhabiting our mouths, although only 50 have been identified and named. The sheer number of these creatures is astronomical, considering the fact that our mouths contain more bacteria than the entire world's population, and the fact that our bodies house approximately one trillion bacteria.
What is a person to do about these squatters? Nothing. Our bodies provide an ecosystem for them and, in return, they defend us from the invasion of bad bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa, with the exception of Streptococcus mutants and a couple of other undesirable species.
Our dentists' advice to brush and to floss our teeth on a regular basis should be taken, as doing so helps to maintain healthy levels of these creatures from between 1,000 to 100,000 per tooth.
BodyLogicMD is a natural treatment for women who suffer from menopause.