Grown-Up Sex Ed Class on learning to dominate your partner with two Dominatrixes
We had a number of people recently ask about learning to dominate their partners. Or learn to be a pro Domme. Or just up their kinky IQ.
We have dominates willing to teach us in a riveting LIVE Grown-up Sex Ed class in a dungeon.
It’s going to be something. Three experts, handouts (and props!)
It’s time to really learn how to bring your partner (s) to their knees. Or learn to be a pro Domme. Sex positive career options are always interesting.
We have room for a couple of people in person (safely because of Covid guidelines). The rest is being done virtually. Cost is $20. Class is Sunday, Nov 29th at 3pm. Link will be provided to participants.
We will also be offering some of the class by Zoom but you really want to check out this class and have a chance for a few people to get “hands on” instruction.