Female domination, or how to spank your guy in private
It started with a new patient and his wife who were struggling with his submissive desires. He wanted his wife to dominate him sexually, and take over in a female superior kind of way, of their life – making her the leader in their marriage. I confessed that it wasn’t my area of specialty, but they wanted to work with me anyway. So I started reading. Elise Sutton’s book called Female Domination, and Barbara Wright Abernathy’s Venus on Top book. It turns out I had met Barbara in LA at a book conference, and have found this material gobstopping. It’s not often tat I read something truly unique to all the thousands of other sexuality boks I’ve devoured. I’m now reading the Mistress Manual by Mistress Lorelei, a book about finding your inner Dominatrix, and I now think I should run out and by a black leather corset and spikey black boots.
I couldn’t figure out why men want women to paddle their bottoms, make them do all the housework, and have very few orgasms, while their wives face sit as often as they want. It turns out that the psyche of the submissive male is complex, and it is the mental sex of not being in charge that he craves. It’s far more interesting than the bondage and discipline stuff that’s been presented in your typical Friday night Kink episode. I admit, this Goddess stuff has it’s appeal. So if I can convince the men in my life that they will be far more fulfilled by lying across my lap being spanked than getting great sex, it is all theoretical, but I’ll keep you posted.
Mistress Suzy of the cool boots