We’ve grown so much that we have our own Duckling website! Find out more about us with this cool new layout here! It’s got the list of what’s coming up!
The Duckling manifesto
Click here to go to new Ducklings Website.
We are the Ducklings, a safe community of people who are sexy, sassy, flirty and fun. We have chapters in Ontario, Orlando and Central Florida and soon to be in a few other areas. And our travel group brings people together from all over North America.
Our members are awesome people who enjoy getting together to safely flirt, have fun, and expand our knowledge of all things sexy. We do not allow aggression or drama, and no mean people need apply as being kind is a basic value in our group.
While we’re not a dating group, a surprising number of love matches have met at our events. Nor are we a swinger’s group, though some of us are non-monogamous.
We’re a community of people who are not afraid to dip a toe into something new because we’re not alone. It’s way more fun, and far safer, as a community.
Duckling events are designed to be both sexy and fun. We have toured the private dungeon of the city’s best-known Dominatrix and visited a sex club after hours. We’ve taken salsa and polka lessons, learned how to throw an axe (dressed as Vikings to make it more fun), and held a pool party with volunteers providing pedicures and massages. And we love themed parties with costumes!
Our members are half couples (some married more than 30 years) and singles (gay, straight, or “its’ complicated”). We’re primarily over 25 but under 65, with most between 38 and 45. We are firmly in the middle between quiet and gentle, and crazy and wild.
We have grown to over 7,000 people on our e-mail list and are closing in on 4,000 members on “Meetups” alone. We pre-screen to make sure new members share our values. Mean, sexually aggressive, and unfriendly people need not apply.
Given that our events are safe, the best way to discover if you’ll fit in is to come to a general event. You’ll meet lots of people, and as Ducklings are so friendly, they’re happy to answer questions from newbies.
If you are nervous, arrive 30 minutes early. We’ll be there to welcome you, and will give you a task to help you fit in until you acclimatize. Ducklings love to help so you won’t be the only one.
Please join us for guided, pressure-free, sensuous outings. Referrals and friends are welcome, but they need to agree with our philosophy.
Being a Duckling enhances relationships, increases intimacy and builds community.
Wouldn’t you like to be a Duckling, too?
How we evolved
Over the last few years we have been teaching courses to couples and singles who want to spice up their sex lives we called “Loving Hedonist classes.” Our courses were an introduction to what is out there sexually. The workshops were to offer information on what is possibly out there for you to walk the walk in a way that was comfortable for you. We went on a number of field trips from burlesque shows to a visit to Easter Canada’s most famous dominatrix. Everyone loved them and kept saying “what’s next?” By going places and learning things together, and by sharing the experiences the events became fun instead of scary. We stared to gather (and quack a bit) and we were described a “ducklings”. The name stuck. We are a new cool and sexy social club in town. Somewhere between a service group like Rotary and indiscriminate swingers. Safe, integrity, fun, happy, smart, sexy and community are words that describe being a Duckling. Kindness matters and inclusion is important. That being said, we like to offer sane flirty and sexy outings. Given that going to established events are scary for the first time, we wanted to offer sangria and munchies hour to meet us, talk about our philosophy of sensual adventures and make sure everyone is on the same page. Please reach out to us and we can include you in the next gathering. We especially like to talk to or meet with single men to make sure everyone is on the same page. This is not an indiscriminate hook up group or a place to randomly explore your sexuality. It’s a community of friends. We want everyone to feel welcome, but safety in a fun and sexy environment rates our top mission statement. The Ducklings continue to find our way and having fun doing it.
People in Ottawa are busy. So when it’s organized for you (think idiot-proof) that’s a no-brainer. The other thing that we hear as therapists is the difficulty in making friends. We go from work to home. Work to the grocery store to home. Where do you make new friends? How do you find people that get it? Everyone really needs community. So if you are slightly sassy and more irreverent than the usual service club member than we want to meet you.
We’ve had some Ducklings that have found romance out of this group (and we are thrilled for them) hooking up is not our primary goal. Love, and intimacy if it happens is delightful. But its not primarily a dating group. We are just sexy people (whatever that looks like for you in terms of age, size, race, or orientation) who want to have fun -together without any pressure.
Check out the gallery on our new website at www.wearetheducklings.com.
Events Coming up! Find out what the Ducklings are up to and join in the fun! Get more information on our dedicated website or our meetup page
Find out more on our website at www.wearetheducklings.com.
Looking forward to meeting all the recent new members (and some more seasoned Ducklings). We always have fun, laugh and regularly average 40-60 people. Find out if we are your group! Feel the warm fuzzies!
Sue and the Duckling team
We want to build a community. The Ducklings at it’s core is a happy group of funny and sexy friends that hang out gently. Community is one of the measurables of great health. So having new friends makes you healthy! Think of us as loving hedonists, but in the nicest possible way. The mission is to have fun, eat yummy food, laugh so much we worry about peeing our pants, and go meet like-minded people. No pressure in any way and sexually aggressive people ARE NOT WELCOME. We want you to go home with a smile on your face. Our activities range from PG to slightly out of your comfort zone.
Annual fee is only $75 for a single membership.A membership is required to register for any limited ticket event. There are some events each year (plus the monthly “Meet and Greet”) not requiring a membership but member Ducklings will always have first chance to purchase tickets.
If you value being able to attend ready-made social events which cater to your own tastes and comfort level, we ask you to support the cause. If the work we do in creating these events isn’t worth our fee, we want to know that too. Payments can be sent to ducklings.payment@gmail.com.
Over the past year, we have endeavoured to create a group to do fun date nights and activities. So far we have managed to:
· attend a dungeon and dinner tour with Mistress Shira the world-traveling dominatrix
· plan a movie (50 shades) with a dinner and discussion afterwards
· run a pizza and comedy evening (where we laughed our asses off)
· operate 23 boudoir full day sessions with potluck and clothing swap
· run spring and fall Ethical Hedonist courses (where new Ducklings are born)
· run a laser tag and make-your-own-sundae evening
· run 3 “greet the meat” events on the patio to discover what being a Duckling is all about
· attend a regular Tribe party, but as a large Duckling contingent
· run a picnic, pool and dance day
· hosted a Duckling group in Orlando at Cypress Cove
· run a wine tasting tour and Duckling mixer
· run a corn maze and bonfire cookout
· participate in a “High School” 70’s and 80’s dance
Plus 40 other activities! We run about 40 events a year and are Ottawa’s fastest growing new social club.
As you can imagine, this has taken a lot of time and a chunk of loot. We are also currently constructing a website that will allow Ducklings to look up and interact directly with other Ducklings, all while protecting email addresses from outsiders. The site will include a member’s only section.
In the end, it boils down to whether our philosophy for date nights and fun matches yours. If it does, we are thrilled to do the work for you to create events that get you out of the house and laughing with new like-minded friends. We are hoping that you agree and join in. Compared to other clubs, we are an incredible deal. As a group we are unique. And as a philosophy, we are truly the Ducklings. Find out what’s coming up now!
Sue and the duckling team
Hello Ducklings,
We’ve been asked for dress codes, behaviours etc. of some of your events. For both content and conduct we have created a rating system that will allow you to know how sexual any event is going to be. From the rating, you can extrapolate dress code. We hope this reduces stress and gives a better understanding of what to expect. We have included examples with the descriptions:
1 Duck event – this is very vanilla (pg). It is used for informational meetings, new member social gatherings and fun movies. Health and other kinds of lectures.
2 Duck event – at this type of event, you can expect colourful language and flirting. It would be used for comedy, R rated movies and group meals or wine pairings.
3 Duck event – this type of event is intended to be fun and very flirty. Dances, meet and greets, burlesque shows. Clothing required pool parties . Clothes stay on but can be tastefully sexy. The occasional flirty touch could be invited.
4 Duck event – expect nudity of some kind. You may or may not choose to participate, but others will loose the laundry (even if its only topless). Nude pool parties, visits to nudist clubs or beaches fall into this category. Sexual touch of any nature is generally inappropriate. Strong flirtation could happen at the event.
4++ Duck event – This is more touchy, friendlier where there might be soft play in designated areas (no intercourse) and discretion is required. No body fluids…
5 Duck event – expect sexual contact around you. Lots of friendly and appropriate touch would be the norm. However people are quick to respond to”no means no”. While you are completely safe and being monitored, this is not a place for someone who does not want to see sexual acts or who is uncomfortable being approached. Commercial lifestyle clubs or private adult parties fall into this rating.
If you want to come to a 4 or 5 Duckling event then we need to meet or speak to you first. We have regular “ice breaker and let’s meet” events. Consider it a pre-coffee. We provide snacks and make everyone comfortable. It also allows you to meet people before you come out to a little sassier event.
The Ducklings are about sexy fun, laughing and above all – safety! We aim to make our events comfortable for everyone, particularly single women. As such, we created a policy that anyone could attend a 1 or 2 Duckling event as they are very PG. However, for more “sexy” adventures, we want to meet single men first and explain our mission before granting them access to the events. We don’t tolerate aggressive behavior and sometimes our group is not a good fit for someone. In order to accomplish our goal of introducing ourselves, we hold meet and greets regularly. This is a chance for all new Ducklings to come out and mingle. If a single male is not available to attend a meet and greet, he can always track us down at a 1 or 2 Duckling event. Either way, for 3,4 or 5 Duckling events single men have to meet us first. No exceptions as making our club members feel secure is an absolute.
Love what you are doing. Am about to become a widow haven’t had sex in 12yearsn and have someone in the wings. Want to try d9minating. Your advice r3: couples resorts etc. Please. Thanks a lot.
How does one become a duckling?
Would love to join.
Hi Sue, just wanted to know if you do some sort of mail-out for the duckling events, or if we should just take a look at your website every once in a while?
I also spoke to my friend Marie-Claude about the ducklings and she would be interested in joining some events.
How would she go about doing this? Just email you?
Hi Lisanne!
I’ve added you to the Duckling list. Send me your friend’s email and I’ll add her as well. Thrilled to have you come out!