The top 5 things you can do to improve your relationship in 2018
Every year researchers come up with new studies that outline the best way to stay connected with your significant other. Much of the advice seems like common sense. But even as a Sex and Relationship Therapist I have to remember to be mindful…
Casino Royale with the Ducklings! Dress as your favorite Bond character!
Update! While this event has passed (and it was epic) we hold three events a week. Come be a Duckling!
We are a group of people trying not to turn into their parents, have fun, and stay sexy. We also have built a community of safe, kind, fun…
Spring courses, Why love is not enough, and new ideas to keep-it-hot
I interviewed Gretchen Rubin, the author of the Happiness Project and happiness expert a few years ago for my radio show. She offered advice like "make sure you make your bed" and "think about trying meditation" as small things you can do to…
When a young man's fancy turns to ….
I don't know what its like in your part of the world, but in Ottawa, we still have snow. However, it's melting fast and spring is in the air. It's smell I associate with maple syrup, - a combination of dog poo, and that damp earth smell. …
Empowering individuals and couples worldwide with expert sex and relationship guidance for over 26 years.