Argh!  Another study that tries to prove that the G-spot doesn’t exist!

G-Spot Orgasm -

The elusive erogenous zone said to exist in some women may be a myth, say researchers who have hunted for it.

Their study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine is the biggest yet, involving 1,800 women, and it found no proof.

The King’s College London team believe the G-spot may be a figment of women’s imagination, encouraged by magazines and sex therapists.

But sexologist Beverley Whipple, who helped popularise the G-spot idea, said the work was “flawed”.  You tell ’em Beverley.

“This is by far the biggest study ever carried out and shows fairly conclusively that the idea of a G-spot is subjective.”

The Gräfenberg Spot, or G-Spot, was named in honour of the German gynaecologist Ernst Gräfenberg who described it over 50 years ago. It is said to sit in the front wall of the vagina some 2-5cm up.

Recently Italian scientists claimed they could locate the G-spot using ultrasound scans.

They said they had found an area of thicker tissue among the women reporting orgasms.

I get so frustrated with these studies. How can I, and many of the women I know, have taught, or have witnessed personally be so dismissed?  Out comes clear, clover-smelling liquid, and offers a huge release. I know it, as do millions of other women. Sigh. Women I’ve spoken to know that they can release loads of fluid, and have a “different” kind of orgasm.

I can’t believe since so many women experience it, that they are still poking and prodding. Get my FREE 10 steps guide on How To Find Your G-Spot – How To Have A G-Spot Orgasm. I am so confident of it, that if you don’t get it, I’ll send you a copy of the whole book- Quivering Jello if you quote this blog. Unless you’ve had pelvic surgery, I’m confident you’ll get there. Don’t give up or believe alot of uptight british researchers who don’t know where to look.


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Squirt4 I was having a discussion of female ejaculation and it’s properties with a couple of other people over the holidays. One of my patients wondered about the chemical make up of female “squirting fluid”, and “where does it all come from?” He mentioned that his one experience with a women who produced large amount of fluid, and how the fluid seemed to dry unnaturally fast. It seemed to evaporate quickly and he wanted to know how the whole thing worked.
In my experience, female ejaculate is clear, slightly sticky, and depending on the time of the month either smells stronger (muskier or more urine-like) or fresh and more clover smelling. Women’s ejaculate is similar in composition to male prostate fluid (without semen qualities). It turns out that women have a tiny remnant prostate (and can be tested on a PSA test for the presence of prostate antigens).
Dr. Shannon Bell at York University, tested her ejaculate and found it had a higher ph, less urea, and less creatinine.  There is also glucose (sugar) that gives the fluid it’s taste and sticky texture. When the g spot is stimulated (and it is an organ you can feel with experience, not just a spot on the vaginal wall). The ten tips on tell you how to achieve a g spot orgasm (all women’s g spots vary in sensitivity from slightly numb to extremely sensitive). You can also get the squirting documentary we produced at www.schoolofsquirting.comto see real people learning and achieving real female ejaculations.
If you are having trouble with orgasms or want to learn how to ejaculate let’s talk. I can do one or two quick sessions for under $200 that will get you screaming in pleasure in no time. Book now directly.

I was sitting around the dinner table on vacation last week with a few other couples, talking about what else, sex. The subject quickly moved to a topic that I think is on everyone’s mind (and where there is still a great deal of myths surrounding it) the issue of female ejaculation and G spot orgasms.
Not only did I write the book on it (Quivering Jello: How to Have Mind-Blowing, Toe-Curling Orgasms, after speaking with 300 women who could squirt), but I experience it, have witnessed it first hand, and truly believe that 85% of all women can get there. My partner, (who I nicknamed Dr. Squirt), thinks that the number is more like 95%. I am saddened that women still can’t get there (despite the mounds of laundry it generates), and it takes a belief that you can get there, a willingness to “bare down” like you’re going to be, and above all, a relaxed approach. The men who have partners that experience these contractions and floods (from my half a cup to the litre that some women produce), all say that relaxing is the key. I think it is more of a troubleshooting approach of trying different things until it works, but I am convinced that unless you have a physical problem and damaged parts, you can get there. Check out my free top 10 G spot tips off my site and get your sweetie to wash his hands and dive in. I promise, you can do it too.
Let’s have you coming buckets. If you still have trouble reaching orgasm let’s have a conversation and get you screaming their names.