Can you get dependent on boner pills like Cialis & Viagra?
I think boner pills should be in every guy over 30’s medicine cabinet.
Every man struggles with a bout of ED at some point in their lives. And it gets much more frequent the further north of 30 you go.
Cialis, Viagra, Kamagra are big tools for men who come home tired, are on different kinds of medications that affect their erections, or struggle with anxiety about their performance. Performance anxiety is the most common affliction I see with men in my office as a Sex Therapist. It manifests as inability or loss of erections, premature ejaculation, and generalized avoidance of sex.
In my office I talk about cock rings, penile pumps, something called “soft-on’s” (vs hard-on’s), pleasure, intimacy, penile injections, suppositories, supplements, EFT for anxiety among other techniques. And I talk about boner pills. They are a great tool. And they affect your body about as much as a Tylenol & are non-addictive.
The challenge is that sometimes taking the pills becomes a psychological habit. Being hard enough to pound nails makes you want to stay on the Cialis all the time. And soon getting a natural erection doesn’t cut it anymore. Or your anxiety goes up when you aren’t on it and you end up being constantly on the medication.
It’s easy to get. My Dad said he saw it sold on the golf courses and in the gas stations in Thailand. It’s readily available online. In Mexico the lifestyle resort that I was speaking at had upwards of 500 mg in their gift shop.
I often get asked if it’s okay to perpetually stay on Cialis. Physically millions of men are prescribed the daily 5 mg dose so medically the answer is yes. Psychologically it may be a different story.