a New Year, time for more sex

Sue_characture It’s been a crazy time. I’ve moved, re-invented myself, re-organized my life, and am now looking at the beginning of an incredible year. I was at a New Year’s Eve party last night and asked this crazy Californian if he had any resolutions. He resolved to have less drama in his life, and I thought that was a great idea. For me, it’s no more babysitting other adults (less drama from me and them), being happier than I have ever been in my life, stop apologizing for wanting adventures, eat right, and exercise consistently, live, love, and enjoy each day to the fullest.  I am also going to try to have sex at least 300 times this year.  A lofty, but doable goal, and I’ll keep you posted. As of this morning, the first day of what is going to be an amazing year, I have only 299 more to go. Grin.

Happy New Year.  It’s going to be great.